Na tomto mieste
sa začne vaša kariéra

Za našim úspechom nestoja iba výnimočné produkty, ale aj talentovaní a nadšení zamestnanci. Staňte sa súčasťou našej spoločnosti a spoločne docielime úspech.
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Wage (gross)

Strategy Planning and Projects Manager

• To coordinate and support the analytical part and cross-team cooperation of the Integrated Business Planning (Strategy Planning)
• To support the Top Management in articulating, developing, implementing and reviewing the corporate strategy, focusing on the commercial agenda (e.g. to coordinate and support the process of the 3-year strategic plan preparation with the respective counterparts, to contribute to analyses and provide recommendations on issues of strategic importance to the business, to provide and participate in input into strategic initiatives)
• To drive organic growth and competitive advantage for Pivovary Topvar business in Slovakia by disseminating internally customer, customer and competitor insights and knowledge that leads to new ideas and action, both on strategic and operational level

V Prazdroji veríme, že rozdielnosť je to, čo nás spája a robí našu spoločnosť lepšou. Podporíme Tvoju jedinečnosť a dáme Ti priestor u nás zažiariť.

ID: 1763411  Megjelentetés dátuma: 23.7.2014  A (bruttó) bér alapösszetevője és egyéb juttatások: dohodou