Description of the company

MultiplexDX is one of the most innovative biotech corporations, created to bring its revolutionary technologies to the market of personalized molecular diagnostics. The company has representation in both U.S. and European markets. The collaborators of MultiplexDX are from the world’s most prestigious scientific organizations including the National Cancer Institute (MD, USA), Rockefeller University (NY, USA), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (NY, USA), Queens University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada), University of Warsaw (Poland), and Technical University of Dresden (Germany).
MultiplexDX’s innovative platform merges histopathology, multiplexed spatial analysis of biomarkers, and laser capture microdissection RNA sequencing into one diagnostic test. This multimodal, cross-validated approach mitigates diagnostic errors, unveils tumor heterogeneity, and provides precise and accurate cancer profiling for each patient, which allows clinicians to suggest a specific, personalized cancer treatment.
MultiplexDX innovative portfolio covers COVID-19 diagnostics; custom oligonucleotides; RNA Sequenc-ing; RNA FISH; Bioinformatics and Personalized Diagnostics.
Find out more about MultiplexDX on Corporate website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Jobs: MultiplexDX, s.r.o.

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